In response to the Bill, Professor Elizabeth Treasure, Chair of Universities Wales, said:

‘Welsh universities play an essential economic and social role for communities throughout Wales and are stewards of our language and culture.

‘The Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill introduced this week offers a real opportunity to put partnership and collaboration at the heart of our tertiary education system. It should enhance the tangible and significant benefits that our universities are able to bring to the people and places of Wales while also strengthening Wales’ position on the global stage. Crucially, it must provide opportunities for students to realise their full potential.

‘We welcome the Bill’s enhanced focus on areas such as equality of opportunity, encouraging participation, collaboration and promoting a global outlook.

‘While there will undoubtedly be debate, discussion and challenge as stakeholders engage with the legislative process, it is important that we focus on what the new legislation aims to achieve. We look forward to working with Senedd and the Welsh Government on the Bill as it makes its way through the legislative process.’