Global Wales Advisor Tour
Rob Alexander - Market Development Manager for Global Wales - provides an overview of a recent tour of Welsh universities organised by Global Wales for US and Canadian high school advisors.
20 May 2022
Last week Global Wales took 30 US and Canadian high school advisors on a tour of our Welsh universities. The purpose of the tour was to familiarise the advisors with the Welsh education system, and to understand a bit more about the facilities and support services available to our students as well as introduction to Welsh history, language, and culture.
Due to the size, the advisors were split in two, with each group visiting four universities across Wales. The group reunited on the Wednesday to enjoy a cultural day, where they visited Harlech Castle and enjoyed an afternoon tea at Portmeirion. A common theme from the feedback received has been about the support students receive whilst here and their access to facilities (such as labs and studio space).
These familiarisation visits are pivotal for showcasing the uniqueness of Wales and the Welsh education sector. US and Canadian advisors are key influencers in the student journey will use these visits to educate their students and become champions for Wales back across the pond.
We have already received positive feedback from advisors:
“I was truly surprised by the support Welsh universities provide for international students. In other countries they are not on par with the domestic assistance (personal, financial, residential); however, this seems to be a corner stone of Welsh education.”
“While the personalities and course offerings of the universities we visited differed every single one had impressive student services teams and welcoming communities. I look forward to recommending Unis in Wales to my students as I know they would be challenged, supported, and well cared for.”
Our thanks to everyone across the education sector in Wales who helped put on this fantastic event and showcase why Wales is a unique place to come and study.