100% of  Welsh universities*  who responded to the survey confirmed that they will provide in-person teaching at the start of term this year, with more than two thirds also stating that they will offer in-person social opportunities to students, including outside events and sporting activities, all in line with government and public health guidance.

Students at university in Wales can also expect a full range of support – including mental health support, careers advice, and study skills – which will be delivered using a combination of online and in-person services.

The survey found that universities in Wales are working with staff and students, as well as businesses in the local community, as they develop their plans for the new academic year. All of the universities who responded to the survey have communicated their initial plans for the autumn term to current students, and the vast majority have also communicated these plans to prospective students.

Amanda Wilkinson, Director of Universities Wales, said:

“This survey shows that universities in Wales are well advanced in their planning to welcome students this autumn, and new and returning students can be confident that they can benefit from a high-quality, full and exciting university experience.

“As the situation with Covid-19 continues to evolve, universities are continuing to develop detailed plans for the new academic year and will be continuing to update both new and returning students over the coming weeks.

“While it may not be the start to the new academic year most of us had envisaged at the beginning of 2020, the vast majority of students can expect significant in-person teaching and a wide range of social activities and support services.

“Welsh universities are committed to providing an engaging academic and social experience for all while ensuring the safety and welfare of the whole university community.”


*6 of Wales’ 8 universities responded to this survey (The Open University in Wales are not included as they will continue to deliver distance learning)