Igniting Wales’ creative future – a new centre for the creative and digital industries
Canolfan S4C Yr Egin is the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s (UWTSD) new digital and media centre in Carmarthen. With Welsh language broadcaster, S4C, as the main anchor tenant, Yr Egin is also home to a range of companies working in the creative industries , as well as offering hot desking facilities and incubation spaces for graduate start-ups.
Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, however, is more than a building; it is a transformational project that offers the opportunity to bring economic, cultural and social value to the Swansea Bay City region and to Wales. It is due to be part-funded by the Swansea Bay City Deal – a £1.3 billion investment in 11 projects across South West Wales. UWTSD is also contributing to the City Deal’s Swansea City and Waterfront Digital District through the development of a Box Village and Innovation Precinct which will create incubation spaces and co-working areas for start-ups and small businesses. Subject to business case approvals, the City Deal will be funded by the UK Government, the Welsh Government, the public sector and the private sector
Co-locating and collaborating with such a diverse range of professional companies across the region provides UWTSD students with the opportunity to access high-quality work experience whilst also opening up a wealth of connections and networks, and thereby increasing employment opportunities within the creative industries.
With so many creative companies choosing to establish and grow their business in Yr Egin, the association with the University, including the Swansea College of Art, will result in the development of a talent pipeline, as well as a support structure for graduates wishing to establish start-up companies or undertake creative industries-based research and development projects.
Academic programmes including postgraduate, undergraduate and short courses are also being developed in response to the creative industries’ current needs and challenges. With programmes being shaped by the industry, UWTSD will ensure that its graduates are equipped with the most appropriate skills for the global jobs market.