The report finds that the route is 'not undermining the integrity and quality of the UK higher education system' and indeed confirms that it supports the Government’s International Education Strategy.

In response to the report, Professor Paul Boyle, said:

“We are extremely pleased to see the MAC’s recommendation that the Graduate route should remain unchanged.

“International students are an important part of communities across the country, bringing widespread social and economic benefits both to universities and beyond. And, as the MAC report makes clear, those who remain to work in the UK on the Graduate Route are net contributors to our national economy.

“In a competitive global recruitment market, the Graduate Route is crucial to our ability to compete as a study destination and is essential to the ongoing sustainability of the higher education sector. Policy changes introduced earlier this year have already had a significant effect, with the number of international student applications falling at a considerable pace since their implementation.

"In Wales, we have a lower proportion of graduates in our workforce which makes the Graduate Route a particularly important tool in addressing our skills needs.

“We note the review’s recommendations around the use of agents. All universities in Wales are signed up to the Agent Quality Framework and have agreed a set of principles around ethical and sustainable recruitment practices. However, there is room to build on what universities themselves have already done to implement these changes and increase resilience in the system.

"But what the sector needs now is stability. We urge UK Government to listen to the recommendations of this government-commissioned review and provide categorical reassurance that the Graduate visa is here to stay.”