Global Wales is calling for applications to new fund which aims to support international partnerships between Welsh universities and colleges and their counterparts in priority regions.

The purpose of the fund is to provide an opportunity for institutions in Wales to develop sustainable, long-term relationships with international partners by first working together on a short-term, outcomes-driven project of mutual interest/priority.  Welsh institutions are invited to bid for funding of up to £5,000 per project.

Projects should have clearly defined objectives, activities and expected outcomes (beyond simply establishing relationships and exploring areas for future collaboration). For example, projects could:

  • support capacity building and/or training,
  • focus on joint teaching/delivery,
  • deliver workshops, symposia or events.

Other appropriate activities will be considered provided they are in line with the funding conditions outlined in the Terms of Reference.

The Global Wales priority regions are:

  • The USA
  • Canada
  • Vietnam
  • Karnataka, India
  • Telangana, India

Feedback from stakeholders in Wales and internationally have highlighted the following priority areas for development:

  • Digital transformation
  • Net zero, green energy and decarbonisation
  • Agri-tech and rural economy
  • Creative industries and media
  • Population health and biotechnology
  • Materials and manufacturing (including semiconductors)

Projects focused on these areas will be prioritised for funding, but applications focused in other areas will not be ruled ineligible.


Funding details

Welsh institutions are invited to bid for funding of up to £5,000 per project to work with international partners in priority regions. Applicants will select an area of focus (based on the themes outlined above) and collaborate to deliver a short-term project in that area. Activity is expected to take place between August and December 2024. A final report must then be submitted by 24 January 2025.

Full details of the call can be found in the Terms of Reference

Completed application forms and budget and timeline templates should be returned to by 14 July 2024. 

For further information or to discuss this call, please contact:

Bill Burson
Head of Partnerships, Global Wales