Civic Mission
Universities in Wales have long been rooted in their communities, with a proud history of working with people, public services and business to make a valuable contribution to society.
In 2020, with support from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), Universities Wales established the Civic Mission project to further develop and promote Welsh universities’ civic mission work.
Civic Mission Network
As part of the project, Universities Wales established and continues to facilitate the Civic Mission Network. This was set up to enable the sharing of practice and partnership working within communities.
The Network meets quarterly and is chaired by Lynnette Thomas of the Open University in Wales.
Civic Mission Framework
In January 2021, the Network launched the Civic Mission Framework, to help universities build upon the ways they work with people, schools and communities.
The Framework enables universities to share best practice in developing and delivering civic mission projects and supports the sector in demonstrating the positive impact of its civic mission work.
The first of its kind in the UK, and the first in the world to have all universities in a nation signed up to it, this tool will support universities in delivering significant economic and social benefits by connecting more closely with communities across Wales and further afield.
The framework is set around five key areas of action:
- Leading place – engaging with other key civic leaders at a national and community level
- Contributing to raising educational standards by developing links with schools, colleges and other learning environments
- Developing active citizenship
- Acting as the engine of social enterprise, business skills and employability
- Responding to global issues
For more information on the work our universities do with their communities, visit our case studies section and select 'Civic mission'.