WIN and Global Wales announce new small grant fund to support research in Wales
The Wales Innovation Network (WIN), in partnership with the Global Wales programme, is calling for applications to a new small grant fund which aims to support collaborative research activity at Welsh universities.
9 March 2023
The fund of £90k has been set up to support WIN’s mission of harnessing the strengths of Welsh universities to support growth in external research income capture and deliver impact for Wales.
Small grants will be provided as seed funding for the development of a bid to external funders within the UK, Europe or internationally. Grants will fund the work of collaborative Welsh research and innovation groups, based around areas of acknowledged strength. Eligible groups would include:
- New or existing collaborative research groups which have identified areas of research with significant potential for growth, but which require additional support to finalise a funding submission.
- Collaborative groups previously successfully pump-primed through WIN’s £2m funding in 2022 which now require seed funding to help support the submission of an external funding bid.
Global Wales will provide £50k of the total available small grant funding. Of this £30k will be made available to support bids including European partners, with the remaining £20k available for proposals that include North American collaborations.
Eligible bids are welcomed from all Welsh higher education providers. A maximum of £5k is available per bid which includes Wales-only partners, and £10k is available for bids which include an international partner(s).
Download more information on the fund and application process
To apply for a WIN small grant please download and complete the application form and send to innovation.network@uniswales.ac.uk by 5 April 2023. Submissions will be reviewed by WIN with decisions communicated to applicants by 26 April 2023.