A warm welcome awaits for international students considering Wales as a place to study
Global Wales has been working with the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle MS, to share a warm welcome for international students thinking of studying at Wales’ universities.
26 June 2024
The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle MS, has recorded two videos in support of international student recruitment.
The first offers a general message of welcome to Wales, highlighting the cultural, social and economic value of international students along with the quality of Wales’ institutions and the opportunities afforded through the graduate route.
The second video is specific to India and supports Global Wales’ latest ‘Study in Wales’ campaign which is currently running in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. This year is also Welsh Government’s ‘Wales in India’ year – a programme celebrating the mutually beneficial partnerships between Wales and India, including across tertiary education and research.
The Welsh Government and higher education sector, both key partners in Global Wales, appreciate the diversity and enrichment that international students bring to campuses and communities in Wales. As well as generating over 600 million in export earnings – around 12% of all Welsh service sector exports, international students become lifelong ambassadors for Wales, fostering academic and business connections and supporting long-term diplomatic relations.