The guidance outlines some of the measures universities in Wales may need to follow in order to protect the health of students, staff and the communities they serve. As we move into the future, Welsh Government will update the guidance as they continue to monitor the effects of the virus and any changes in the medical advice.

This document is intended to complement the set of sector principles and considerations for moving out of lockdown developed by Universities UK with Universities Wales.

In response to the publication, a Universities Wales spokesperson said:

“We welcome the publication of this guidance for higher education which has been developed in a considered way with input from universities in Wales.

“The health and well-being of staff, students and our communities continues to be a priority for Welsh universities. Institutions are taking every possible measure to ensure the university community is well-informed, supported and safe.”

“As we look forward to the start of the academic year, all Welsh universities that usually offer in-person teaching are planning to do so in the autumn.

“While it may not be the start to the new academic year most of us had envisaged at the beginning of 2020, students who are studying, or considering studying, in Wales can be confident that they will benefit from high quality, rewarding courses and a leading student experience. In this year’s National Student Survey, Welsh universities came top or joint top in more categories than any other part of the UK. Students can also expect a full range of support including careers advice, study skills and mental health support, as well as a wide range of social activities.”