‘Building Wales’ Future’ outlines an ambitious programme for the country, one in which universities can play a key role.

In a world that is experiencing rapid change, universities have not stood still. Universities set out several key ambitions for Wales – including building Wales’ regions, developing a future-ready workforce, realising a globally competitive outward-looking nation, and ensuring a green and sustainable Wales – where universities can continue to bring significant benefit to people and places in Wales.

‘Building Wales’ Future’ sets out how universities can work collaboratively with the next Welsh Government and the Senedd. To support this, the manifesto includes asks focused around: research and innovation, skills, international activity, and sustainable funding including continuation funding for mental health and well-being.

Professor Julie Lydon, Chair of Universities Wales, said:

“The next Welsh Government will face some of the most complex challenges of recent history, from adapting to increased global volatility and significant demographic changes, to tackling the increasingly pressing issue of climate change.

“Our universities will respond to these challenges in the only way they know how: by adapting, working together, delivering skills to more people of all ages and backgrounds, and carrying out world-leading research and innovation

“Welsh universities are uniquely placed to support the delivery of an ambitious vision for Wales, and by working with the next Senedd and Welsh Government, universities can be at the centre of a national recovery, helping to deliver upon Wales’ ambitions and promise.

“Despite the uncertainty on the horizon, we are building collaborative, dynamic and resilient universities with a diverse population of students and staff.”