Amanda Wilkinson, Director of Universities Wales, said:

“We are pleased to see the latest UCAS data which shows that application rates to Welsh universities have continued to rise. With an increase of 3% in applications, Welsh universities have seen the largest increase of the UK nations.

“This reflects the distinct offer universities in Wales have for students including an excellent student experience, as reflected in the National Student Survey.

“Today’s figures also show Wales has a record proportion of 18-year-olds choosing to go to university with 37.5% of the cohort applying. It’s clear that young people continue to recognise the benefits of higher education and the opportunities that university offers.

As we emerge from the pandemic, our universities have a critical role to play in Wales’ economic and social recovery. Wales will need more people with graduate level skills to tackle the risks of greater automation in the workplace, grow Wales’ economy and tackle issues such as climate change.”