Living Wales: Providing access to earth observation data for local, national and global industries
Aberystwyth University is working with Welsh Government to make Wales the global leader in the integrated use of digital, high-resolution earth observation data.
In the past two decades, measurement of the earth from digital sensors mounted on spacecraft and aircraft has undergone a technological revolution comparable with that observed in molecular biology, and with just as much potential to transform society.
Living Wales is a unique and novel world-first concept that aims to capture the state and dynamics of Wales’s landscape, in near real time, historically (since 1985) and into the future, through integration of multi-scale optical, radar and lidar earth observation data and supportive ground measurements. Through this concept, Aberystwyth University will work with Welsh Government to make Wales the global leader in the integrated use of digital, high-resolution earth observation data: data that has the potential to transform how we manage our environment and society.
Living Wales will grow an important new area of science and economy in Wales, both for our own benefit and for global export.
Living Wales will build on existing capability, work with relevant national and international organisations in the field, and will significantly strengthen Wales’ research capacity and reputation in earth observation and related technologies. Benefits will include:
- definitive state of the art support for government policies and initiatives;
- world-leading skills and knowledge that expand and give competitive advantage to the commercial (especially space-based industries) and academic sectors and attract investment into Wales (e.g., based on technology-driven industries);
- evidence for improved, sustainable use of the Welsh landscape and its resources over short to long time scales; and
- publicly and freely available data, software, information and insights.