In response to the announcement, Amanda Wilkinson, Director of Universities Wales, said:

“We welcome today’s announcement by Welsh Government that universities can continue to deliver a blend of online and in-person teaching throughout the two-week ‘firebreak’.

“The blended approaches that universities are delivering ensure high quality, engaging courses while complying with public health regulations and prioritising the safety and well-being of staff and students. Universities across Wales have made adaptations to campuses to ensure they are safe, socially distanced environments.

“As well as being an important part of the learning experience, in-person teaching also provides university staff with opportunities to check in with students and support their well-being – something which is more important than ever in the current climate.

“During the ‘firebreak’ and given the continuation of blended learning, including in person teaching, students are being asked to remain at their term-time address.

“We recognise the resilience shown by all students and we appreciate the efforts made by students to comply with restrictions. As we enter this temporary ‘firebreak’, we will continue to work with, encourage and support our students.”